5 Tips For Celebrating Your Child's Birthday At Their Preschool

If you have a child attending preschool, such as Sammamish Montessori School, you may be excited to help them celebrate their birthday at school. Passing out treats to classmates and having everyone sing a song for your child can become a fun childhood memory. However, before you send a sheet cake to your child's classroom, you should consider the following five tips. 

Check With Teachers About Any Special Treats Ahead of Time

Most preschools have strict rules about the nutritional content of snacks as well as food with potential allergens in them. Some preschools will allow homemade treats while others insist on purchased foods for safety reasons. If you are unsure about the type of foods that your child can share with their friends, talk to your child's teachers. Their teachers may suggest that you bring a healthy snack as opposed to a sugary treat and will let you know items to avoid. 

You should also discuss amounts. You should bring in a few extra treats to make sure there is enough for everyone, including the teachers, to have one. However, you may want to give smaller portions than you would otherwise give to adults. For example, if your child is bringing in brownies or a cake, consider pre-cutting it into small squares to give each child a taste but also allow room for a healthy snack. 

Think Beyond Food 

There are other ways your child can celebrate their birthday at their preschool besides bringing in a snack. Instead, you may want to prepare a small, fun project that can be done. For example, you can supply art supplies for the children in your child's class to decorate masks from your child's favorite television show. This teaches your child that there are many ways to celebrate birthdays beyond special foods. Of course, you should discuss any projects with your child's teacher before hand, to make sure there is time and that the project is appropriate for the class. 

Consider Volunteering at the Preschool 

Most preschools gladly accept help from parent volunteers. If you want to have a special celebration for your child's birthday, you should consider volunteering at the school that day to help the teacher implement your project. Not only will this take some pressure off of the teacher, but it will also allow you to spend more time with your child on their special day, which can be a treat on its own. 

Prepare Your Child for Extra Attention

While some children love extra attention, others can be shy in front of groups. Either way, it is important that you prepare your child for extra attention that they may get on their birthday. You might watch a show or read a book to help your child know what to expect on their birthday. Also, discuss what your child can do if they feel overwhelmed and how they should react if someone says "Happy birthday" to them. 

Don't Go Overboard

Helping your child celebrate their birthday can be fun, and you may be tempted to send in a snack and a project to their school, especially if you are having a small party at home. However, you should keep in mind that preschoolers have a schedule that they follow at school and you cannot expect the teacher to celebrate your child's birthday for an extended period of time. Choose one small snack or a short project to do in order to disrupt the class as little as possible. 

The most important thing to keep in mind when planning how your child will celebrate their birthday at school is to include their teacher in the discussion. They may welcome any new ideas you have and will guide you through their usual celebration. 
